my art, work Kim Stewart my art, work Kim Stewart

Digitization of fish pattern

fish pattern I have finished drawing a large portion of the pattern in Illustrator. A portion of the pattern was used in a public art call that I just completed today. I want to use it again in a different context. I really love the interesting secondary shapes that can be discerned when you look at portions of the pattern. I think I will print it out and do some colouring! I have some velum that runs nicely through my printer and a brand new set of pencil crayons. Very relaxing - at least as good as Yoga.

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Creative 'Practice'

Emphasis on practice because that's what I do. Every thought comment, painting or drawing is a form of practice. The beauty of a creative practice is that it lasts a lifetime. This blog is a peek into that process. 

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I see my 'visual' blog go to Instagram: kim.art4life
