my art Kim Stewart my art Kim Stewart

Another day in Residence...

I am in a routine of studio work that I hope I can continue when I get home. There are so many more distractions at home - things of importance that I give in to and that seem to whittle away my most productive time. Of course one can whittle away time anywhere with as little as a scrap of fluff and imagination, but if a new habit can be formed then my body will crave the sense of organization and well being that results, not to mention the excitement of creating new work. lace with background

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Creative 'Practice'

Emphasis on practice because that's what I do. Every thought comment, painting or drawing is a form of practice. The beauty of a creative practice is that it lasts a lifetime. This blog is a peek into that process. 

If you appreciate what I do…
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I see my 'visual' blog go to Instagram: kim.art4life
