my art Kim Stewart my art Kim Stewart

Banff Residency: Day two

Banff Centre is entirely another world where each day is a savoured experience. For a time I am free to respond to my creative thoughts - to bring them to life. I have so many and although it is only day two of my residency in the Leighton Artist Colony, I am rushing through the work as though it is my last. Here is a peek at my studio and some of today's work: studio building Gerin-lajolie 2inside studio day 2 work

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Creative 'Practice'

Emphasis on practice because that's what I do. Every thought comment, painting or drawing is a form of practice. The beauty of a creative practice is that it lasts a lifetime. This blog is a peek into that process. 

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I see my 'visual' blog go to Instagram: kim.art4life
