a long and meaningful life

I am sad to share with you the passing of my Grandfather (in-law), Edwin Stewart. He reached the milestones of 93 years of life, and 72 years of marriage. His wife, the 90 year old Ethel is quite lost without him. This man touched many people with his unique brand of generosity and spiritual advice. A pastor since his mid-fourties, Ed gave fair, seasoned advice on all matters of life. He once told Kevin and me, "Never let the sun set on your anger towards each other. Be sure to resolve anything before you go to sleep that night." Following this advice has made a real difference in our marriage. Coming from a man married 72 years, its likely the best advice around. I'm going to miss his stories of childhood rescue... he and his brother once rescued a rabbit from a well using a plow horse and a rope around his waist. Well, something startled the horse and it bolted pulling Grandpa and the rabbit out of that well at high speed. He was dragged quite a ways before he could get the rope off...and his "interesting" art creations which always involved either a soldering gun or a glue gun. Once in the seniors home he continued to use his "guns" until they set off the fire alarm, alerting the staff to their presence. Even so, his cheerful countenance, and joy for living continued. May we all have the ability to "live life from the gut" like Ed did!

Kim Stewart

Artist, Art Educator making the world beautiful, one piece at a time.


the nine multiple intelligences


inspirational artists.